The arctic wolf is not a species. Wolves have a wide habitat distribution and have many subspecies. The arctic wolf is one of the subspecies of the wolf and lives in tundra area of North America. Their habits are similar to those of the other wolves.
1. Normally wolves are said not to attack human, but it is not absolute. I cannot say with any finality that there have been no such cases.
2. The population of wolves has declined due to various reasons such as being labeled as a harmful animal and killed, destruction of their habitats, decreased number of their pray animals. However it is estimated that there are 4000 to 7000 in Alaska and 30,000 in Canada.
3. Except for the fact that many of the arctic wolves have white fur, there is no difference. Actually there are some in the other wolves that also have white fur.
4. Generally speaking the wolves weigh somewhere around 40kg and bigger ones can weigh 75 to 80kg. The largest subspecies are those live in Kamchatka or tundra areas. Compared with the largest wolves, the arctic wolf is said to be slightly smaller.
5. Where there are less preys the group size will become smaller. Usually 5 to 8 consist one group, but there is a case where 36 wolves were in one group.
6. The number varies between 1 and 11. The average is about 6 kids per year.
7. There are varieties of color such as so called wolf gray, black, white, cream color, etc.
8. During summer when their fluffy fur falls off, it tends to look darker than during winter time, but there is no distinctive color difference according to seasons like the one seen in hares.
9. As for large animals, they eat wapitis, moose, reindeers, musk oxen, bison, deer, mountain sheep, etc. For smaller ones, they feed on hares, marmots, beavers, rats, etc.
10. It is sometime between January and April.
11. They are pregnant for 62, 63 days.