In the Greenland ice cap, there is things called "Sastrugi".
It is snow that is shaped like "waves of the sea" or "the teeth of a saw" formed by the Katabatic winds blowing in the ice cap.
Especially in a place with strong winds, 20-centimeter high snow waves (Sastrugi) are formed,
and the surface is made firm and hard by the constant wind pressure.
The sled rumbles over Sastrugi, when skisailing through it.

Having a energy(chocolate) bar during a lunch break
The shapes of Sastrugi vary according to the wind direction.
On the windward side it looks like a sharp knife.
When going through the area of Sastrugi, if not concentrating, it is quite easy to lose balance and fell down.
However, Sastruga is always welcome because it is a proof of a strong wind blowing, and hence we can extend the distance by skisaling.
Mitsuro Ohba