The day before the departure I was engaged in a hectic preparation and ended up departing with lack of sleep.
In fact, I couldn't get much sleep in the last few days due to excitement and anxiety.
Anyhow, I got on board the plane that departed at 11:35 a.m. from Narita to Copenhagen.
After 11 hours or so, we arrived at Frankfurt Airport.
At Frankfurt Airport, a staff of ANA guided us,
and we were able to make a smooth transfer to a flight for Copenhagen.
We arrived in Copenhagen at 10:00 p.m. local time.
After that, we headed for a hotel, and I took a shower and went to bed soon after.
The next morning, we left the hotel at 7:00 to receive our tickets and to ensure our luggage was loaded.
The breakfast was a buffet style.
As I thought, meat was really tasty.
Crispy bacons and hams I ate this morning were delicious too.
At the airport, I confirmed that our luggage would be loaded on the day's flight.
I felt at ease, checked in, and waited for a plane.
While we were waiting, I felt reassured as I saw our luggage being placed beside the plane.
Then, we departed from Copenhagen at 11:05 to Narsarsuaq.
It took about 4 hours to get to Narsarsuaq.
The landscape of Greenland I saw from the plane was magnificent,
and I felt like I grasped the image of the ice cap on which I would travel longitudinally.
At Narsarsuaq Airport, we met Jackie, the owner of the youth hostel in which we would stay.
He was really frank and friendly.

Mr. Ohba (right) and Mr. Nagatani (left) at Narsarsuaq Airport
The weather here was relatively warm, so I was wearing only a T-shirt.
I soon began to feel chilly though, so I wore a jacket.
The temperature seemed to be around 2 or 3 degrees Celsius.
We were told that we would receive our luggage 2 hours later,
so we decided to go to the Youth Hostel first.
But, guess what! As it turned out, not all our luggage was transported.
only two sleds were loaded, and the rest of the equipment and food was left at Copenhagen.
If nothing was done, we would have to wait until the next flight for Narsarsuaq which departed a week later.
So we contacted Sakiko-san, a Japanese who lives in Greenland, to see if there is any alternatives.
She got married to a Greenlander a few years ago and currently lives in a village called Ammassalik.

Nagatani (left) and Miyashita (right) checking e-mails right after arriving at the Youth Hostel
After all, it was decided that the luggage would be transported tomorrow from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq by a commercial flight,
and then to Narsarsuaq by a charter flight. This would cost us a lot more, but there are no other options.
If the weather is good, it is scheduled to arrive here this Friday or Saturday.
Tetsuji Nagatani