Weather: Fine
Wind: Northerly Wind
Temperature: - 0.1 degrees Celsius
Barometer: 790 hPa
I woke up at 7 a.m. in the morning.
We started late today as we worked long hours yesterday.
So I tried to be quick to get ready for the day.
The wind was blowing quite strongly outside.
I would guess its speed was probably around 12 to 13 m/s.

Nagatani on the move!
When I was taking down the tent, a problem happened.
Yesterday I forgot to dry my boots by leaving them outside.
Even considering that we worked until late yesterday, it was no excuse.
It was totally careless of me.
I put up the tent again and started the stove in order to dry my outer and inner boots.
The inner boots were not made of a strong material,
and there was a hole that made my toes very cold.
Knowing that we forgot a needle and thread, we puzzled over how to fix it.
In the end, we decided to cut a small upper part of the inner boots and attached it over the hole in the toe.
We used a piece of wire and dental floss as a substitute for a needle and thread.
Although I hadn't done any sewing since my school years at elementary and junior high school,
I was quite good at it. Ohba-san commmented jokingly to me,
"you can start a sewing business." Now that the hole was closed up,
it was quite comfortable to wear the boots.
After fixing the boots, we started skisailing westward.
We made rapid progress using 4-square-meter skisails.
But then the wind became too strong and it turned into a blizzard.
So we stopped there and set up the tent.
Tetsuji Nagatani