Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: -9.3 degrees C
Wind direction: North
Wind speed: 2.3m/s
Barometer: 807hPa
Today is cloudy. Besides the north wind is blowing, we can't go west,
so we waited until the wind direction changed.
Around 10 a.m. the wind changed its direction to east,
and we skisailed north in a hurry feeling the wind blowing at 90 degrees angle from the right hand side.

Nagatani recharging batteries via solar panel (by Kyocera Corp.)
specially produced for the use in polar region.
All the electricity is derived from natural energy source (solar energy).
At first, I was using a 24-square-meter sail,
but I gradually changed to smaller ones (11 and 8 square-meter ones),
as the wind picked up speed. I was steadily traveling with the speed of 20 to 30km/h.
However, I felt my legs tiring because skisailing puts a lot of strains on legs.
I am not as skilled at skisailing as Ohba-san, so I get tired more easily.
I repeated the pace of stop and go every 30 minute or so to relieve my legs.
Along the way, Sastruga began to disappear,
and with less obstruction on snow surface the speed increased even more.
Around 6 p.m. the wind weakened and we stopped here and set up the tent.
After all, we traveled 50 kilometers today. I'm glad we crossed the line of 62 degrees north.
I bet we can get going like this from now on!
Tetsuji Nagatani