30 Apr, 2008
I'm over latitude 77 degrees north, and it is night under the midnight sun. When sleeping, I wear a cap with it down to cover my eyes and have made it a rule to keep lights off because it is very bright even at night.I feel uncortable with hotness even at night in minus 40 degrees because I wear a fleece jacket over underwear in a sleeping bag for about minus 40 degrees.I'm having a hard time in keeping my body temprature constant.

The sunlight warms my tent to be like a greenhouse. I don't need any stoves any longer and even a little wet squeezed gloves and socks are completely dried just with the gloves hanged down from the ceilling.
The sun that blazes all day long makes snow on the sea ice and mountains melty in the days ahead. Thanks to that, sleds run very smoothly on snow. It's not always a bad thing. I will increase my journey distance from now on.
Mitsuro Ohba