26 Feb,2008 "Departure"
Finally, the departure day. We spend time dealing with all those interviews and shootings of the media.
As three of us pose for the media holding hands in hands, it reminds me of the Greenland expedition which we did 4 years ago. This time again, the same members; Ohba, Nagatani and Miyashita, plus nature photographer Toki and the back office management Horiuchi joined newly in addition to three of us.

It has been four years. Time flies. It is all the same hectic before the departure, but I am bit more relaxed than four years ago, and ready for departure with a good tensed feeling.
It is already the time to go, and all the media people, Global Edventure staff members, sponsors, families and friends are there to see us off.
Not to mention the success of the trip, I would like to enjoy the Arctic after several years of absence.
Then, see you all back in Japan!
Tetsuji Nagatani