28 Feb,2008
Sunny, Temperature -37C
We arrived in Resolute, yesterday. Today, we went to the airport to consult with the staff of Kenn Borek Air. Afterwards, we paid a visit to Wayne who has been helping us since our preparation stage. He has been working at the weather station here in Resolute for years, making an observation.
Same kind of observations are done in Japan as well, but twice a day, he launches an observation balloon to collect data of temperature, moisture, air pressure of upper atmosphere. It is a modest job, but thanks to a person like him, such basic data help to know the current condition of the earth, and makes it possible to predict its future condition.

Sun rise at Resolute
He also provided us with the information of ice condition around Resolute and various tips of our route thereafter. Furthermore, he warned us that some sea ice might have been broken by the shock of the meteorite fallen near Eureka recently.
When we traversed Greenland, we only saw little birds called snow buntings. But this time, we can expect to see polar bears, musk oxen, arctic foxes and even a meteorite and such, and we are looking forward to see them.
Tetsuji Nagatani