4 Mar,2008
Our epuipments finally found a way to get here, and we have been spending time going through them. Last couple of days, we have been walking around pulling the sleds. The temperature rose a bit to minus thirty two, but it was blowing hard out there.
Tody, we also went out to walk. After we have divided the load of food, fuel,sleeping bag, clothes into two sleds, each one weighs a little over eighty kilograms. Although it got warmed up a little, the cold temperature still prevents the sled from running fast.

As we go farther, we find arctic fox's tracks and photograph them. We did see some animal feces the other day, but most likely they were of arctic fox's, too. As we stop a moment and watch the strong wind carrying the snow away, I am reminded once again that I am back in the Arctic. It makes me a bit sentimental. As we are all bundled up, the strong wind does not penetrate through, and we stay warm.

If everything goes smoothly, we will depart the day after tomorrow.
Tetsuji Nagatani