Questions about the arctic wolf |
Johan Olai Svidal Rand skule April 6, 2005 |

Questions about the arctic hare |
Johan Olai Svidal Rand skule April 6, 2005 |

Questions about the polar bear |
Johan Olai Svidal Rand skule April 6, 2005 |

Have you seen any narwhals so far? |
March 22, 2005 |

Have you seen an arctic fox? |
March 22, 2005 |

Have you seen any wildlife or buffalos/walruses? |
March 7, 2005 |

Have you seen a mouse? Are there mouse in Canada and if you have seen any how many? |
March 7, 2005 |

What animals did you see untill now? |
March 7, 2005 |

When an animal comes do you shoot them? |
March 3, 2005 |

Have you seen any wild animals yet? |
March 3, 2005 |

How do the animals live and what do they eat? |
March 2, 2005 |

Did you see any animal that you never saw before? |
March 2, 2005 |