No Good Wind Is Blowing
Up until today the wind that is good enough for ski sailing blew only once.
But on that occasion the wind came in the evening when we were tired out by walking and our body temperature already had cooled off.
Anyway in a hurry we removed the seal on the skis, exchanged the rope with titanium handle for pulling the sled, and tried 24m² sails.
But the lines connecting the sail and the harness on the body tangled up and missed the chance.
Another time when we thought we had a good wind, it was actually an opposing wind.
We feel that the wind had not been on our side, even on a single day.
However, today for the first time, we had a favorable wind from the north.
We jumped at the opportunity and started with 11m² sails, but the wind started to diminish on the way.
We changed to 24m² but the wind became too weak to continue.
It was after all one hour ski sailing experience.
Ohba hauling sled in Eureka Sound |
Mitsuro Ohba