Today I phoned Mr. Ikuo Oshima, a hunter living in the world's most northernly settlement Siorapaluk, Greenland, as I heard bad news about the sea ice conditions on the west coast of Greenland this year.
According to Mr. Oshima, the sea temperature is warmer, so the sea ice is not forming as well as the normal years.
The sea ice in front of his house is about 1m thick. He says usually it's 1.5m thick in a cold time.
And due to the warmer climate, there were heavy snowfalls on the sea ice, preventing the thickening of the ice.
He also told me that he went walrus hunting toward north by his boat, but he had struggles as the walruses ran away between the cracks in the ice where his boat cannot reach.
Dozens of musk oxen and reindeers died from starvation due to the rain in the beginning of this winter which made the snow and the land surface freeze; they could not feed on the grass.
He says this year's musk oxen lack oil contents. It is obvious that there is shortage of food.
Actually there is grass high up on the mountain as there is less rain.
And because of this the rabbits are not coming down to the village.
Mr. Oshima says it's troublesome as he makes and sells leather products from rabbit skins as a source of income.
Almost daily the low pressure comes, the snow falls heavily, and the temperature is warm around -10C°.
Usually at this time of year, the temperature will drop to -20C° at night; the warm climate is such a trouble, he says.
Mitsuro Ohba