The lowest temperature we have experienced so far is -48C° around Ward Hunt Island.
But now the temperatures are stable between -35C° and -28C°.
When it's -48C° even if you are inside a tent enveloping yourself in a sleeping bag, the chill will invade through needle's eye and you will find it difficult to stay with bare hands.
However on the next day when the temperature rises to -30C°, it feels very warm.
On the other hand, when you experience -30C° after -25C° for several days, you will feel very cold.
The human body adjusts itself according to the outside temperatures and functions like thermostat.
Ohba on the move
Rough Ice
On a stormy day, the sea ice breaks, and the broken pieces hit and push swelling upon one anther and becoming like tetrapods.
This is called rough ice, and here in Eureka Sound the sea is calm and the surface is flat.
However there is an area of rough ice near the shore due to the lapping of waves.
And some of the rough ices are taller than 5m.
Polar bears produce and rare cubs in rough ices, so we try not to near the area, and when we have to pass, we go around and avoid interfering with their lives.
Mitsuro Ohba