Flight Postponed Again
Wayne who works at a weather station in Resolute Bay is also an accountant for the hotel we are staying.
Everyday he comes to give us weather information.
This morning he came to my room saying "The day after tomorrow the weather is good, so you can fly."
He showed me satellite images at a website of Meteorological Service of Canada (http://www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/) and said excitedly "Let's call up Kenn Borek!"
We were also very excited.
In the afternoon Wayne and Lucas and I went to the airport for prearrangement of the flight.
But the pilots' response was not positive.
They said that in order to land the surface of the sea ice has to be clearly seen and that because of short hours of sunshine around the scheduled landing position of 83 degrees North it is going to be a problem.
Safety is the most important issue. So we decided to postponed the flight.
Afterwards the pilots showed me to the aircraft hanger.
I wanted to measure the size of luggage space inside the aircraft.
On the day of the flight 3 two-meter sleds, supply goods to be deposited at Eureka, and 4 of us will be on board.
They also showed me emergency equipment, such as food, snowshoes, sleeping bags, and rifles.
However they are only enough for the pilots.
We have to bring our own food and other emergency equipment.
Wayne has provided weather information to more than 100 expedition teams stayed in Resolute Bay.
He is a big man of cheerful personality.
Joichi Kobayashi